Our Campus

"The best way to predict future is to create it'. The school is committed to provide the best infrastructure and learning resources to students so that they are updated with latest knowledge trends."

Class Room / Smart Class

Spacious, ventilated and bright classrooms with comfortable and safe furniture for kids.

Class Room
Class Room
Class Room

Play Area

To play is the key to physical, mental, intellectual and social wellbeing of children. The Play Area at our school kindles their interest and thus fulfils their development and learning needs.

Play Area
Play Area
Play Area
Play Area
Play Area
Play Area


All students are enthusiastic scientists in making and tend to spend a part of their school time in laboratory. They try to explore, probe and experiment to find the truth behind the facts of life.

Laboratories are stimulating centres for Science and technology students to get a better understanding of theoretical concepts by performing hands-on experiments. The Physics, Chemistry, Biology Laboratories at Indian High School cater to the needs of course work experiments and further. As many as 30 students can perform a wide range of experiments simultaneously. The teachers and lab-assistants are constantly supervising and guiding for optimum results and safety of children.


Computer Lab

Latest technology friendly systems installed in the lab where children can get exposed to advance computing techniques if they desire. Every child gets an individual PC to work on enabling him/her to experiment and work at a comfortable pace.

Computer Lab
Computer Lab
Computer Lab


Library is an important cornerstone of a healthy community. Our library is a unique and valuable combinations of resources, quenching the needs of all category of Students.


Halls of Utility

The school has an Activity Hall with a capacity for huge gathering of people used for indoor performances related to Dance, Music, Debates, Quizzes, Yoga and Taekwondo etc.

Halls of Utility
Halls of Utility
Halls of Utility

Safety Features

"Your child's safety is our Number 1 priority."

A school is and must be a safe place for all students to learn and play. IHS ensures that everyone from the management to the part-time staff take a genuine interest in the safety of your children. After all, the school is your child's second home.

We have a child safety policy in place and efficient disaster management plan. To cope up with the new challenges, our safety policy (physical, emotional and cyber safety etc.) is analysed and updated regularly.

Some of the safety features include:

  • 24/7 security guards
  • CCTV cameras constantly monitoring every class and corridors
  • RO purified drinking water
  • Background verification of staff
  • Visitor Management System
Safety Features
Safety Features
Safety Features
Safety Features
Safety Features
Safety Features

Wellness Room

wellness room is a safe space intended to be used as an infirmary. The health room is staffed by a full-time registered nurse. The room is made available for students with acute illness such as fever, moderate to severe pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. First- Aid needs are catered on campus on all working days.

Health record: The school conducts a thorough health check-up every year for all its students, teachers and domestic staff.



All our school buses have a GPS tracking system and a CCTV camera which is constantly monitored. Our buses are regularly serviced and maintained to ensure the highest standards of safe daily operations. Each bus is captained by an experienced driver with necessary background checks and licenses. Every bus trip is accompanied by both a male and a female staff to ensure maximum safety and security for our children. Buses are punctual and on time to pick up children from desired locations.

