Best Practices

Unique Features

Value Based Education

Value Based  Education

Imparting values to young minds!

The IHS teaching framework promotes value-based education for the improvement of the personal, social, moral and economic well-being of your child. He/ She is bound to become empowered to take responsibility of his/her own learning. Some of the values that we emphasize on are empathy, compassion, gratitude, optimism, self-discipline, perseverance, patriotism, forgiveness and cooperation. These are the ‘intangibles’ of education which IHS identifies with. It is also the core of the school’s collective vision.

Value Based
Value Based
Value Based

Smart class enabled campus

"Technology and education are a great combination if used for the right reason and vision"

Smart class enabled campus

Smart class is an innovative methodology which aims at transforming the teaching techniques from a traditional, industrious method of verbal explanation to a very interactive and graphical presentation making learning more interesting and fun for the students. IHS has introduced smart boards and smart learning equipment from pre-KG to High school. Every teacher recruited by IHS is trained to use and deliver through smart teaching methods that empower them to make students understand the concept thoroughly.

Smart class
Smart class
Smart class

Individual attention to students

Individual attention to students

Student to teacher ratio 30:1

Every child is unique and has a different pace of learning, which needs to be discovered by educators. Developing positive relationships between the educator and his/ her pupil is a fundamental aspect of quality teaching and student learning. Therefore, our teachers are trained to personally interact, guide and motivate each student and cater to any special requirement which will help the student to excel. We therefore take pride in the student- teacher ratio of 30:1 where each child gets his/her fair share of attention from the educator.

Individual attention
Individual attention
Individual attention

Abacus in curriculum

Abacus in curriculum

Mental Arithmetic is a form of calculation that is solely done by the human mind, using mental power or by performing mathematical calculations mentally. Using an ancient Chinese instrument like ABACUS, the child's mental strength improves extensively.

Abacus training at IHS is done twice a week which sharpens memory and increases the ability to perform mental calculations. Besides enhancing the overall comprehension of math; it also results in quicker calculations. Mental Arithmetic does help children improve math grades in their academics, however more importantly, it enhances one's inner abilities like concentration, speed, memory, accuracy and learning ability.


Parent Partnership Program

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a progress; working together is success"

Edward Everett Hale
Parent Partnership Program

Our school believes in three P's' (Parent partnership Program) and equipped parents with the three R’s (Respect, Responsibility and Relationship). We at IHS realise that parenting and teaching are closely related responsibilities. It is essential, therefore, that there should be understanding and mutual respect between school and parents nurtured by transparency of information, sharing vision, process, results and a culture of working together as a team. Then only way we can achieve the true purpose of education i.e. ensuring a child's holistic well-being. The steps we have taken to ensure the same are:

a. Parent Orientation Program

The school communicates information on learning activities undertaken, curriculum development, new initiatives and involves the parents in decision making. This ensures parental support and pro-activeness to be part of the school and learning journey of their child.

b. Parent Teacher Meeting

Includes not only discussion regarding the academic performance of the child and but his/ her individual strengths and areas of improvement. The interaction focusses on the overall development (including social and emotional aspects) of the child. This comprehensive feedback gives assistance to the parents in lending their support for the areas required to help their child in his/her learning and development.

c. School App for Communication

Communication forms an intrinsic part of the complete educational experience by providing transparency to parents on their child’s progress. A versatile communication tool fosters parent engagement and involvement. The Indian High School Application has the privilege of text messaging, sending notifications about assignments, daily attendance, progress reports and event/photo updates. It helps in communicating parents about various events, conferences, field trips, and volunteer opportunities etc. happening throughout the year.

Parent Program
Parent Program
Parent Program

